How to live a healthier life

Living a Healthy Life

We have all said to ourselves at some point in time “I will exercise and get fit, get a six pack, or live a healthier lifestyle” yet we always struggle to commit or see visible results before eventually forgetting about our health goals.

If you are one of the above or looking to find home gym equipment then at CoolSports1 we provide you quality, affordable and proper equipment to get you into shape to assist you in keeping yourself motivated whilst providing proper equipment for recovery.

With the effect of the pandemic shutting down gyms and altering our lifestyles. Many psychological and physical health complications have arisen for many people, causing them to find any means of physical exercise to live a healthier lifestyle during lockdown.

What better way to start than to create your own home gym! From Gym accessories such as pull up stations, bench press squats to Yoga mats, balance trainers, resistance bands and more!

How to Commit to a Program?

Is there a way to lose 10 Kilograms in a month? Frankly, in very severe cases yes, it is possible, however it is not healthy and simply inadequate to create a sustainable lifestyle with good habits that will be maintained.

Make sure when you do start exercising to always properly warm up. A good warm up should take 10 to 15 minutes and elevate your heart rate to 120 to 135 bpm depending on your age. Warming up the muscles are crucial to ensure you prevent injury and ensure your muscles will be ready to cope with the intensity or workload.

Depending on the exercise, make sure you start of small in terms of weight, do not go limit testing and use heavy weights! Building muscle and living a healthier lifestyle takes time, it is not supposed to be rushed.

After exercising, make sure you do 15 to 30 minutes of recovery. Foam rollers are an excellent way to stretch out the lactate acid that has accumulated in your muscles after a workout, minimising the effect of delayed onset muscle soreness after a workout. To target more specific muscles or difficult parts that are harder to stretch with a foam roller a massage gun is generally recommended. Massage guns are designed to stimulate a deep tissue massage given to your body allowing it to relax and rid yourself of the lactate acid or general stiffness at being confined to your desk at home.

Is there anything else I can do?

Yes definitely, take it easy and do not be harsh on yourself. Living healthier, getting shredded on wishing to see more desirable results takes months. Remember to take into a timely consideration of the goal you want and set realistic goals every month. Obviously the first couple of months will not yield much but collectively over time you will begin to see more distinct results as your habits and efforts take shape.

Another important part of healthy lifestyle is to eat and diet properly. Learn what type of foods you should eat, how much carbs you take in, what type of meats to eat, how to build muscle and occasionally have a cheat day. Eating is more crucial than gym or exercising to life a better lifestyle. Of course you will feel fitter with exercise, but through proper diet and nutritional balance you complement both activities living the best possible healthy lifestyle.


We all have gone through a tumultuous 2 years through this pandemic, many of us have seized the opportunity and accomplished many of their goals, whilst others have laid back a bit and enjoyed ourselves. Regardless of your situation and the situations of others, your health is the most vital, a healthy body facilitates a healthy mindset, allows you to think clear, more energised, live a more fulfilling life even under huge stress.

At CoolSports we provide you with the potential and ease of access to equipment at affordable costs. Get your equipment ready and start a healthier lifestyle!

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